My Redbubble

Monday, August 6, 2007

My Demo Team Uniform

Pay no attention to my straining face, but due to difficulties w/ my photographer(my brother) I had to hold that pose for like 10 seconds.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

A Little Korean

In Korea there are four seasons. It is pretty much the same as here in the United States. Korea has continental weather just like Chicago. The great thing about Korea is that, even though it is a small country, travel a couple hours and the weather can change quickly. Go to the mountains (which are everywhere) and you can go skiing or snowboarding. Then go to Seoul or Jeju-Do and go water skiing or wind surfing. There is even a time in the year where the water between an Island and land gets so shallow,that many people walk across and enjoy a stroll. They call this the Moses Miracle : ) Here are few words and phrases about the seasons and weather:

The 4 Seasons.....사 계절 kye-jeol

It's hot today,isn't it?....오늘은 날씨가 덥지요?....O-neu-reun nal-sshi-ga teop ji yo?